
Amelia’s Senior Pictures

Amelia’s Senior Pictures

Amelia in the wildflowers and sunshine for senior portrait photo shoot.

“The photoshoot was fun and relaxing.   Of course before the photo shoot there were a bit of nerves but as soon as we got going it wasn’t as bad nerve wracking as I thought.  I ended up losing track of the time and had fun with it. Our photo location was Cape Elizabeth, Maine. It was fun working with Lucia and Will.  They made the process simple and easy for us.  We had just an all around great experience.”

“We loved all the images from Amelia’s shoot.  There was definitely a good variety of assortments from each wardrobe change and we just loved them all.  The colors were so vibrant and amazing.  The coloring of each photo was really pure perfection.  We didn’t expect a disaster by any means but the photos really exceeded our expectations.  Will is amazing!  I think the blue dress are our favorites and the close up laying on the stairs was an amazing beautiful shot of my senior.  “

“My plans are to attend college and major in engineering…I love math and science tremendously.  It look as though I will be leaving Maine for college. Thank you guys!  We love the photos as we already let Lucia know in person at the presentation appointment.”

Amelia Buxton & her mom Elena


800 Amelia 123 A

professional senior pictures in maine

Hi guys, it’s Will – I photograph all the seniors here at Focus Photography. I just wanted to thank you for looking at this senior gallery, and mention that while I photograph everything from newborns to weddings, I don’t think any portrait is more important than a high school senior photo shoot.  

Shot poorly (as mine were), senior photos can be an albatross around your neck – bad pictures, bad memories, and support a poor self-image.  I was such a dork, and no one helped me. I didn’t even let my mom buy any of the images. I won’t let that happen to you.

But when senior pictures are done well, the shoot will be an experience you’ll remember forever. The images can be both a source of pride, and can help shape a senior’s self-image at a time they can be hard on themselves. They’re way more important than just a requirement for the yearbook – they’re a milestone of growing up.

If you’d like to rock your senior photoshoot, instead of hating the images forever, I’d love to chat with you.  Here’s how you can get in touch:

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